The lawyers at the Firm have actively defended municipalities, their employees and staff, and their professionals from claims relating to alleged errors and omissions relating to all aspects of the planning, development and construction process.
The lawyers at the Firm have been actively involved in many arbitrations and mediations, with a view to narrowing and resolving the issues in dispute as expeditiously and cost-effectively as possible. We do that by investing in technology, investing in human resources, and ensuring that there is proportionality between the dispute resolution process chosen, and the issues in dispute.
Experienced & Knowledgeable

Our Lawyers
The Firm’s lawyers have been actively involved in the construction industry and are members of the National Construction Section of the Canadian Bar Association and the Construction Section of the Ontario Bar Association.

Representative Work
The Firm uses its lawyers’ existing reputation and expertise to build and maintain long-term client centered relationships and provide strategic advice.

Firm lawyers have written and spoken on issues of concern to many professionals, including insurance professionals, lawyers, architects and engineers, as set out in the following papers, presentations or seminars, to various Construction and other industry groups.